Friday, March 11, 2011

My Heart Bleeds

As I watched the television pictures of the highly devastating Tsunami that hit Japan, my heart bled for the people affected by this natural calamity and my prayers go out to the affected people. May God give them the courage to overcome their huge losses and continue life with renewed enthusiasm.


  1. I join you in praying for is indeed very sad and their losss is irreplaceable.

  2. Dear Ammu,
    I have some awards for you. Please visit the page AWARDS GALORE-9 On my blog to collect them and display on your blog.

  3. Hi Shobha

    Thanks much. You have a lovely blog.

    Best wishes

  4. Dear Ammupatti,
    Just right click on the awards and save the logos in your side bar or as a seperate post like I have done. While thanking the bloggers who have shared these awards, link their blogs with their names in your post.If you wish to share these with any of your blogger friends, you may do so informing them with a message to collect the same.
    Feel free to ask if you have any doubts.

  5. Ammupatti.... your sammandhis are from Japan but settled in the US, right? Do they have folks back there even now?

  6. Hi Narayan Swamy

    You are right. My sambandhis are in Chicago and their folks are in Japan. Apparently they are all well. Thanks for your concern.

    Best wishes

  7. sorry for what happened in japan. glad to know that your smabandhi's relatives are safe.
