Sunday, April 04, 2010

Back from a break

Hello everyone! It feels nice to be able to greet all my readers after a long time. As many of you had correctly guessed, we were busy with the wedding of our handsome, charming and younger son. It is rightly said in the Tamil proverb, “Kalyanam Panni Par, Veettai Katti par” (Conduct a marriage, construct a house), by the time one gets done with the job, one gets so exhausted one needs plenty of energy boosters to get going once again.

So, it was with lot of excitement and joy that we celebrated the wedding of our handsome and charming son on the 5th February, 2010. To put it in my husband’s own words, it was a truly international event. Owing to its international nature, each ceremony had to be planned carefully, taking into account that the most important guests were new to all this. A lot of thinking and discussions and suggestions went into planning each little event so that all the guests would be most comfortable. As such, a wedding in India is an elaborate and time consuming affair with both the bride’s and the groom’s family planning separate events and ultimately merging on the mega day to make it a grand affair. In our case, since all the arrangements had to be done by us it was even more exhausting.

To begin at the beginning, as all of you know we had been planning to get our son married for sometime now, when he was in India to expand his company’s business. We were not successful in getting a suitable bride for him and in the first quarter of 2009, he returned to the U.S. We were all the more concerned at the turn of events as now we had to look for somebody who would be willing to relocate to the U.S. After a few months of being there, our son called us up one day to say that he had found the right girl for him to get married, if we had no objection in his marrying an American. Our only concern was that the girl should be open to Indian culture considering that our son himself is very strongly rooted in Indian values and culture. He never misses an Indian festival even in America, living alone. He would want to observe all the Indian festivals. Apart from that, if he felt that they are compatible we had no objection. So it went back and forth and the girl had to get her parents’ views about marrying an Indian and in short, it was decided our son would marry Yoshimi, an American citizen of Japanese origin. We would like to have an Indian wedding, said our son. Having read my earlier posts on South Indian wedding, Yoshimi was also very excited in getting married in India. This started the planning for the great event our family held to everyone’s satisfaction.


  1. Nice to see you back. You have a wonderful blog.


  2. Congratulations on your son's wedding, Ammupatti! Looking forward to your posts.

  3. Hi Jaya

    Thank you.

    All the best

  4. How nice to hear about the Indo-Nippon-American alliance. Congratulations to your son and his wife. With a mother-in-law like you who writes so well and is traditional, yet rational, I am sure she will imbibe quite a lot of Indian culture and also be able to share some of her culture with you.

    Looking forward to reading about Japanese traditions and festivals and foods on your blog! (I am vegetarian, so I will skip any non-veg stuff, trust you are fine with this!)


  5. Omedetou Gozaimasu....on your son's wedding.

    Ammu Patti, By the way I am Tasnim Mohamed Puthukode from Kochi almost settled in Dubai.

    I work in a Japanese Company. It was nice to hear about Ms. Yoshimi.

    Ki o tsukete...

  6. Congratulations, Ammu. As we are contemporaries, I won't call you 'patti'. Been following your posts and am sooooo excited over the wedding. Do we get to share the joy by seeing the pictures?

  7. hello..

    I have been reading ur blog for sometime and am happy to hear the news!! Congrats on becoming a MIL and all wishes to ur son and Yoshimi for a fabulous and blessed married life., Post some pics if you dont mind us seeing ur joy !!


  8. Hi Inji

    Thank you!

    Best wishes

  9. Hi Narayanswami

    Thank you for your wishes and the kind words.

    I assure you that there won't be any non-vegetarian recipes in my blog as both my daughter-in-love and I are pure vegetarians.

    BTW, I had a peep into your blog and I found it very interesting. I have decided to visit your blog regularly.

    Best wishes

  10. Hi Tasnim

    It is nice to hear from a fellow Puthucodian who is proud to be a Puthucodian. It is very heartening to note that you consider Annapoorneswari as your Diety.The Blessings of our Bhagavathy is all pervading. Aren't we truly secular? I am overwhelmed.

    Best wishes to you and your family

  11. Hi Anon

    Thank you.

    Best wishes

  12. Hi Vidya

    Thank your for wishes.

    I shall ask my son to post few pics.

    Best wishes

  13. Happy Vishu to you and your family.


  14. congratulations on being a mother in law. I have also been away from blogging for quite sometime now.

  15. Hello Aunty, hearty congratulations on the wedding of your son. And you have a Japanese marumagal. Wow!! I know that Japanese too, like Indians, believe and follow traditions and I am sure your d-i-l and others are going to have a great time together. The write-up is pretty interesting. Awaiting the remaining parts as well.

  16. Sowmya Krish18/4/10 4:36 PM

    Dear Mami, Congratulations to your family! My cousin brother recently got married to an American, so I can relate to what you have said here.. :) Wish your son and wife a wonderful married life!

  17. Hi,

    I have read the blog and the information I got is very useful. I would like to appreciate the author for writing this informative blog.we conduct all kinds of love & arranged marriages in Arya samaj mandir.
