Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thiruvathira 2009

We are already at Pongal, having gone past Thiruvathira in a jiffy. Let me write about Thiruvathira first. For Thiruvathira this year, we had all home grown vegetables, Red pumpkin, Kavathu, Avarakkai and Toovar pods. I had planted a piece of Kavathu left over from last year's Thiruvathira hoping to get a good big Kavathu. It did sprout and the veins spread well, giving me hopes of a good harvest. The day before Thiruvathira, when I dug the earth, all I got were a few beetroot sized Kavathu. Well that would suffice for my requirements, I told myself. So I prepared Thiruvathira Kali and Kari and offered it to Lord Uma Maheshwara.

I have saved few pieces of Kavathu (they are called mooku (nose)in Malayalam to plant in my garden). Let's hope we get a better crop next year.

Between Thiruvathira and Pongal, I travelled to Bangalore. Bangalore is much colder that Hyderabad and on arriving, within a day I managed to get a chest congestion. On Bhogi day, I once again prepared Kali and Kari for my younger handsome and charming son and husband who were in Bangalore during Thiruvathira.

On Pongal day, as usual we had Sarkkarai Pongal and Venpongal, Sambar and Vazhaipoo kari and Vadams.

Wait until Kanu.

Happy Kanu to all.


  1. Happy Pongal, Ammupatti!,


  2. Happy Pongal, Ammupatti

    I like your simple kolum. I have seen this design in many places. Does it have a name/significance? Thanks

  3. Hello Ammu Patti,

    Is the yellow colored dish in the picture thiruvathira special kari and kali?


  4. Hi Anu

    Thanks.I hope you had a wonderful pongal.


  5. Hi Jennifer

    Thank you. How did you celebrate Pongal? ARe you in India?

    I do not know if this kolam has a special name or significance. This is one of the kolams I draw regularly on my front yard.

  6. Hi Anonymous

    Yes. The picture shows, Kali topped with butter at the centre and kari on the periphery.
