Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First century!

This, my 100th post, has been a long time in coming owing to various reasons, one of them being my moving to Hyderabad to spend time with our elder son. Having started to blog in 2005 while visiting with our younger son, the two years of my blogging have gotten me a lot many friends from all over the world, and it feels nice when total strangers compliment me on my blog. Two years is definitely a very long time for 100 posts and I sort of try to feel justified in my irregular blogging whenever people ask me how I find time to blog.

Our son lives in a huge house with a vast garden; we need an intercom to communicate with each other and a bicycle to go around the house. I have my own exclusive enclosed cobbled courtyard to gaze at the sun and the stars; only the mosquitoes will not allow me to have the pleasure for long. It took a while settling down in the new house, as my son himself has recently shifted here and had not unpacked the boxes containing the kitchenware. He had done an excellent job of the packing though; the contents of all the boxes neatly tabulated down to the spoon and fork and carefully packed. Though they had been cleaned before packing, I am so fussy about the cleanliness of kitchenware that I had to clean and sun-dry them all over again. After 2 weeks, I am almost through with the job. As always with company allocated accommodation, there are lots of small jobs to be done, a switch here, a tap there and so on which gets done at its own slow pace.

The weather in Hyderabad is very pleasant at this time. It is cool and breezy (we are surrounded by tall neem trees and other trees like sithaphal, moringa, etc) with intermittent showers.

Now that I have started blogging again, I hope to be more regular. Wish me Good Luck!


  1. Congratulations for 100th post! I completed a year and 100th post on the same week!:)
    Feels great,right? Enjoy H'bad.Good luck,looking forward to your posts:))

  2. Congrats ..Great going ...many more to go ....

  3. Oh Paati! You are love with yr new house (Who doesnt).. Congratulations on this important mile stone. Good Luck!

  4. congratulations, paati, and hope to see more posts from you.

  5. Congrats...keep coming more..


  6. thats great! wishing you many more centuries!

  7. Hi all,

    as usual I am overwhelmed by the encouragements from all of u. Perhaps thats whats is keeping me going, though I tend to be slack at time.

    Thanx onceagain.

  8. Hello Paatti,
    Congratulations on your 100th posts..I came to know about your blog recently and I have looked into all the 99 posts:))
    HOpe to see more posts coming to our way...

  9. Always enjoy reading your posts, and wait with great eagerness for your next submission.
    Good luck with the new house looks like you are enjoying it awesomely.
    write more. Anticipating more Puducode memories stories with pictures.

    A fan.

  10. photos of ur son's HUGE house maami!! treat for sore eyes it will be!

  11. Hi .Congratulations from heart. Believe me or not my eyes are wet with tears i dont know why?happiness or nostalgia or anything else.
    Did any one expect a liitle girl from an onamkeramoola gramam of puthucode will reach to the whole world and who ever reads has nothing but appreciation.
    i am really proud of you.
    I want to run to the roof and shout to say this is the real woman. 'AAj ki Naaree.
    Not the so called page 3 celebraties who in their free time spend on shopping,gossipping and waste the hard earned money of their husbands,father or traditonal earned money.
    May be we didnt have all these. we earned everything ourself.
    The parents gave education and you took on from it. It was all survival of the fittest.
    happy century. This is more memorable acheivement than sachin tendulkars 37th century.
    Also congrats to your hubby dear and ,sons who where ever supporting


  12. Dear Maami,
    (if I may call you so), I love your blog although I have read only a couple of pages. It brings abck my childhood and all the relatives I know. Today I have just married a bengali guy and feel a little well . . out of touch with my childhood tambram traditions. Your blog will help me a lot in not feeling like that part of my life is far far away. Do keep writing
